We’re Spending Too Much on Healthcare

Ultimately, there will need to be changes made. We have the most expensive and complicated health insurance system in the world, much of it paid for by taxpayers, and millions of people still without coverage. We cannot continue to spend so much on healthcare, especially in the federal budget.

Medicare turns 50 – will it survive another 50 years?

Without changes to entitlement programs, mandatory spending is projected to exceed 100% of all government revenues sometime in the 2030s. It’s important that we come up with some solutions sooner than later or Medicare as we know it won’t be around another 50 years.

James Madison – The Indispensable Man

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It had been an extraordinary time for Madison. Starting with the proposal of the Philadelphia Convention, then drafting and guiding the writing of the Constitution at the Convention, to shepherding it through ratification in Virginia, Madison was the indispensable man. Without him, there is a strong likelihood there would have been no Constitution and dire consequences for the country.

James Madison and the Constitution

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Madison’s plan was a new constitution, and to discard the Articles of Confederation. There were several delegates who only wanted to amend the Articles, however, after initial discussions it was agreed that a new constitution would be best. The delegates also agreed with Madison that a new constitution should give the federal government added powers over the states.

A Political Football

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This legislative tactic to shutdown most of DHS is not only irresponsible, it’s dangerous. At a time with so many threats to national security from abroad, and significant concerns about domestic terrorism – like what happened in Paris and Copenhagen, the threat of another shutdown is inexcusable.

Lincoln – Our Greatest President

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Abraham Lincoln was born 206 years ago this week on February 12, 1809. He served as our 16th President from 1861-1865, during the Civil War and the darkest days of our history. Lincoln led the country to victory in the war, which saved the Union and ended slavery. For these momentous accomplishments, we are forever indebted to him.