Thanks to My Readers

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As my readers know, I will be running for the U.S. House of Representatives next year. I plan to announce my candidacy sometime in the first half of January, and I will be spending the next two months getting the campaign ready to start. This will include a new campaign web site and social media sites.

At this time, I am suspending my weekly blog, but once the campaign is underway I will be posting periodic blogs on the campaign web site. In the meantime, I will leave this web site up, and you can continue to contact me at:, or 509-981-8353.

I sincerely appreciate all of the feedback and encouragement that I have received from my loyal readers over the past year.

I am running for the U.S. House as an Independent candidate to try and change the way Congress goes about its business. Only a true Independent has a chance of sparking that change – to transcend partisan politics and big money interests.

Both parties are either unwilling or unable to effectively govern this country. I believe the far right and the far left have too much control in their respective parties and the broad center is not represented.  I also believe that the power of big money interests in lobbying and elections has a significant negative effect on politics and government – it may be legal, but it’s a corrupting influence. Until these problems are solved, we face an uncertain future and even nastier politics.

My election will send a message to Congress that responsible people are fed up with political gridlock and big money, and that we are ready for change now. I believe my election will inspire other centrist and moderate candidates around the country to run and unseat representatives who practice highly partisan politics and promote government gridlock. A Congress that is more centrist and less radical, would be a positive step towards mature and responsible government, and will go a long way to restore the American peoples’ belief that Congress and government can work for them and the good of the country.

MY PLEDGE – I hereby promise to voters the following:

  • I will not take campaign contributions from special interest groups or PACs.
  • To accept contributions only from individuals, and to limit those donations up to a maximum of $500 per person, per election (less than 20% of maximum allowed).
  • While in office I pledge:
    1. To not be part of any political maneuvering that leads to the shutdown of the federal government, or defaulting on its obligations.
    2. To not take part in the dysfunctional and special interest culture of Washington DC, nor allow my paid staff to do so.
    3. To practice excellent communications with my constituents by holding monthly town hall meetings; and my office will respond to all email, mail & phone calls within 24 hours.
  • Once I leave office I pledge:
    1. To not accept a pension from the government for serving in Congress.
    2. To not work as a lobbyist or for a special interest group in any capacity.

I also promise to work hard on the issues important to our district, and to assist constituents when they need help navigating the federal government bureaucracy.  My primary goal is to earn your trust and respect.